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We need you!

For sons, dads are more than just fathers – they're anchors and compasses. They offer a sturdy hand in navigating life's twists, sharing the secrets of strength and vulnerability. From wrestling matches that build resilience to whispered advice on tough choices, dads shape their sons into men by showing them how to be present, supportive, and true to themselves. So, next time you see a father and son laughing over a silly joke, remember the invisible thread binding them – a bond that guides sons towards becoming the best versions of themselves. Make no mistake about it, DADS MATTER!

Dads Matter
By The Numbers
Dads & The Family
Anchor & Role Model

Dads Matter!

In a young boy's life, dads become both playful giants and gentle guides, building confidence with roughhousing adventures and instilling values with quiet conversations. They offer an essential counterpoint to Mom, showing boys how to be strong, independent, and emotionally open, shaping them into men who know how to love, lead, and embrace their vulnerability. Dads become heroes their sons can grow into, their presence a compass pointing towards a future as strong and steady as their love.

Dads and the Family

Dads are crucial to the family structure because they provide unique emotional support, stability, and role modeling that significantly influence the well-being and development of all family members. Their involvement enriches the family dynamic, offering diversity in caregiving styles, perspectives, and problem-solving approaches. Fathers play a key role in teaching responsibility, resilience, and empathy, setting an example for healthy relationships and individual behavior. Their presence and active participation in family life contribute to a balanced and nurturing environment, fostering a sense of security, belonging, and identity among family members. This integral role of dads supports the emotional, social, and intellectual growth of children, reinforcing the importance of their presence in nurturing well-rounded and confident individuals.

By the Numbers

  • Children in father-absent homes are 4 times more likely to live in poverty (U.S. Census Bureau)

  • 90% of homeless and runaway children lack a father figure (HHS)

  • Infants with involved fathers have better cognitive developments at age 1 and stronger motor and social skills by age 3 (Pediatrics)

  • Children score higher on literacy tests when their fathers participate actively in early literacy activities at home (Early Childhood Longitudinal Study)

  • Children with engaged fathers are 43% more likely to earn A’s in school (Harvard)

  • Children with fathers at home are 42% less likely to repeat a grade (National Center for Education Statistics)

  • Teen pregnancy rates climb where fathers are absent or uninvolved (Child Trends)

  • 63% of youth suicides in America occur in fatherless homes (Centers for Disease Control)

  • 85% of children with behavioral issues come from fatherless homes (National Principals Association)


The weight of evidence clearly shows kids need devoted, responsible fathers to set the foundation for educational, emotional and social success. While all families look different, fathers unquestionably bring irreplaceable contributions that mothers cannot replicate alone. Children thrive most when given generous fatherly love, time and guidance.

Anchor and Role Model

Dads serve as essential anchors and role models in the home by providing stability, security, and guidance that deeply influence the development and well-being of their children. Their example in handling life's challenges, making ethical decisions, and showing respect and compassion in relationships teaches invaluable lessons about character and integrity. Through their actions, fathers demonstrate the qualities of responsibility, strength, and resilience, setting a foundation for their children's understanding of personal accountability and social behavior. This role modeling extends beyond mere behavior, instilling in children a sense of confidence, safety, and the importance of family bonds, making fathers indispensable in shaping the next generation's values and principles.

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