Change Starts with ME!
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We are Community Changers!
WREG Channel 3
WMC Channel 5

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The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on.
President, Barack Obama

Director/Founder: Curtis Weathers
About Curtis Weathers & The Brotherhood
Meet Curtis Weathers: Vo
From the Director:
I cannot adequately express the excitement that I feel right now concerning what we've been able to accomplish over the last couple of years. We have so many people to thank, especially the young boys and supporters I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with over the years in public education.
The Brotherhood organization is a product of my relationship and experiences with those boys and men over the years. They are truly the inspiration for this entire initiative.
Our focus is on personal development or what we refer to as Personal Leadership. For most people, the definition of leadership has a very limited scope and application. We generally think of leadership in terms of businesses, politics, and organizations.
Personal leadership, however, is the leadership of self. It is the ability to define a direction for one’s life and move in that direction with consistency and clarity. Leading yourself means applying the principles of leadership to your personal life.
In the book, “Building Personal Leadership,” author Joel Farcht defines personal leadership as follows: “Personal leadership is the self-confident ability to crystalize your thinking and establish an exact direction for your own life, to commit yourself to move in that direction, and then to take determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you identify as the ultimate goal in your life.”
I love that definition! If you always thought leadership was about leading others, take a fresh new look at where true leadership really begins. It starts with YOU!
I truly believe that if The Brotherhood can help develop you, the individual, the organizations you ultimately work for, the family you eventually start, and the businesses you finally open, will, in the end, prosper because you spent quality time working on yourself, the individual person.
The Brotherhood is open to all young boys 10 – 18 years of age. Our focus will be on you, the individual.
Come Join Us!
The Brotherhood B2M
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The Brotherhood is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. We truly appreciate your generous support.
Email: thebrotherhoodb2m@gmail.com
Phone: 901-229-3045
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